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Adrienne Janus

Maître de conférences en littérature anglophone Directrice Pédagogique du Théâtre Universitaire de Tours



Langues et littératures anglaises et anglo-saxonnes

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Littérature anglophone
Théâtre et Performance
Etudes audio-visuelles et médias

Thèmes de recherche

Le Modernisme (transnationale et comparatif)
Théâtre et Performance
Etudes audio-visuelles et médias
Etudes Irlandaises
L'écoute et les phénomènes non-discursives (le rire, les murmures, le bruit) en littérature et arts du spectacle

Activités / CV

B.A. Littérature Comparée, Princeton University
M.A. Etudes Irlandaises, Queen's University, Belfast
Ph.D. Littérature Comparée, Stanford University
MCF / Lecturer in English, Music and Visual Culture, University of Aberdeen, 2006 - 2016

Seléction d'Ouvrages

“Shout, Crash, Murmur, Hum: Listening, suddenness and passing time with Beckett and contemporary installation and video art,” Angles: The Torn Object, special issue, ed. Dr Andrew Hodgson  (en cours)
“À l'écoute de Simone Weil: La transposition du sens,” Simone Weil, réception et transposition, ed. Chenavier / Pavel (Paris: Garnier Classiques, 2018)
Jean-Luc Nancy and Visual Culture, eds. Janus / Giunta (Edinburgh University Press, 2016).
“Jubilation ex nihilo: Beckett, Joyce, et l’événement du rire,” Littérature et Jubiliation, ed. Eric Benoit (Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2015)
“Listening high and low: Yeats, Joyce, Beckett and the condition of music in modernist Irish literature,” Re-Imagining Ireland: Ireland and Popular Culture, ed. Sylvie Mikowski (Peter Lang, 2014)
“Laughter and the limits of identity: Joyce, Beckett and the philosophical anthropology of laughter,” Études Irlandaises 38.1 (2013)
“Soundings: The Secret of Water and the Resonance of the Image,” The Senses and Society: Special Issue on Jean-Luc Nancy 8.1 (2013)
"Gravity Light," catalogue, Unrelated Incidents: John Wood and Paul Harrison, Gallery West, The Hague (2012)
“Listening: Jean-Luc Nancy and the anti-ocular turn in continental philosophy and critical theory” Comparative Literature 63.2 (2011)
“From ‘Ha he hi ho hu. Mummum’ to ‘Haw! Hell! Haw!’: Listening to laughter in Joyce and Beckett” Journal of Modern Literature 32.3 (2009)
“In one ear and out the others: Beckett.Mahon.Muldoon,” Journal of Modern Literature 30.2 (2007)
“Mnemosyne and the Mislaid Pen: the poetics of memory in Heaney, Longley and McGuckian,” Last Before America. Ed. Brearton & Hughes (Belfast: Blackstaff, 2001)