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Psychologie, psychologie clinique, psychologie sociale

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Psychologie cognitive, Psychologie du vieillissement, Statistiques

Thèmes de recherche

Etude des processus d’encodage et de récupération, mémoire implicite et mémoire explicite, liens entre mémoire et conscience, profondeur de traitement. Ces différents aspects sont étudiés principalement dans le vieillissement normal avec une double approche : comportementale et électrophysiologique (potentiels évoqués).

Activités / CV


Bouazzaoui, B., Fay, S., Taconnat, L., Angel, L., Vanneste, S., & Isingrini, M. (2012, July 9). Differential Involvement of Knowledge Representation and Executive Control in Episodic Memory Performance in Young and Older Adults. Canadian Journal of
Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale. Advance
online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0028517


Angel, L., Fay, S., Bouazzaoui, B., Isingrini, M. (2011). Two hemispheres for better
memory in old age: role of executive functioning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3676-3777.


Angel, L., Fay, S., Bouazzaoui, B. & Isingrini, M. (2010). Individual differences in frontal functioning modulate age effects on the ERP correlates of retrieval success. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3540-3553.

Angel, L., Fay, S., Bouazzaoui, B. & Isingrini, M. (2010). Protective role of educational level on memory aging: an event-related potential study. Brain and Cognition, 74,312-323.

Angel, L., Fay, S., Bouazzaoui, B. & Isingrini, M. (2010). More data-driven processing
at retrieval reduces age-related memory deficits. Canadian Journal of experimental Psychology, 64, 117-123.

Angel, L., Fay, S. & Isingrini, M. (2010). Exploration électrophysiologique de la mémoire épisodique dans le vieillissement normal. L’Année Psychologique, 110, 595-628.

Angel, L., Isingrini, M., Bouazzaoui, B., Taconnat, L., Allan, K., Granjon, L. & Fay, S., (2010). The amount of retrieval support modulates age effects on episodic memory: evidence from event-related potentials. Brain Research, 1335, 41-52.

Bouazzaoui, B., Isingrini, M., Fay, S., Angel, L., Vanneste, S., Clarys, D. & Taconnat, L. (2010). Aging and self-reported internal and external memory strategy uses: The role of executive functioning. Acta Psychologica, 135, 59-66.

Osorio, A., Fay, S., Pouthas, V. & Ballesteros, S. (2010). Ageing affects brain activity in highly educated older adults: An ERP study using a word-stem priming task. Cortex,

Taconnat, L., Baudouin, A., Fay, S., Raz, N., Bouazzaoui, B., El-Hage, W., Isingrini, M. & Ergis, A.M. (2010). Episodic memory and organizational strategy in free recall in unipolar depression: The role of cognitive support and executive functions. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32, 719-727.