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Relations InternationaIes: International Issues in Europe

Nature Élément Constitutif
Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 18


This class will introduce students to the history of the European relations with other parts of the world as well as to the study of the European Union (EU) as a global player. Chronologically, the course will focus on the second post-world war period. The course will analyze how European countries reorganize their relations and cooperation after World War 2 and try to respond to the global economy. It shows how they band together to exert influence on world events. We will focus on the relations of the EU with the Eastern neighborhood, before and after the cold car, on the relations with the Mediterranean and African countries, with Asia and America. Analyzing the different kind of agreements and relations the EU maintains with third countries or regional organizations, we will focus on the instruments and the strategies developed by the EU and its member countries in order to influence the external world. Finally, the course will show the efforts of the EU to promote a global governance in actual world and its contribution to the organs of the global governance (G7/8, G20, UN family organizations) and it will consider the influence of ‘regionalism’ in shaping the external action of the EU.