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UE1 Systems of electrons S0 SM2NLP

Nature UE
Crédits ECTS 5
Volume horaire total 25


Objectives: Introduction to the theory of high-density electron gas.
Organization: CM: 15 h, TD: 10 h.
Necessary background: quantum mechanics, statistical physics
Topics of the course: Electron liquids, approximations of Hartree and Hartree-Fock, random phase approximation, Landau theory of Fermi liquids, Luttinger liquid, Tomonaga-Luttinger model. Mott transitions, Mott insulators, Wigner crystal, Hubbard model.
Skills to be achieved:
Understanding the basic features of the degenerate Fermi systems.
Grading plan:
Session 1: Written exam (ET) : 100%
Session 2: Written exam (ET) : 100%