The european charter for researchers
The new European Charter for Researchers - December 18th, 2023
The European Charter for Researchers is a set of general principles and basic conditions that specify the roles, responsibilities and prerogatives of researchers and employers and/or funders of researchers. It aims to ensure that the relationship between researchers and employers or funders is such as to foster success in the production, transfer, sharing and dissemination of knowledge and technological development, and to promote the career development of researchers.
The Charter also recognizes the value of all forms of mobility as a means to enhance the professional development of researchers.
In this perspective, the Charter provides a framework for researchers, employers and funders to act responsibly and as professionals in their workplaces, and to recognize each other as such.
The Charter is addressed to all researchers in the European Union, at all stages of their careers, and covers all areas of research in the public and private sectors, regardless of the nature of the engagement or employment, the legal status of their employer, or the type of organization or institution in which the work is carried out. It takes into account the multiple roles of researchers, who are engaged not only to carry out research and/or development activities, but also to act as thesis supervisors/interns or mentors as well as in management or administrative tasks.
In its new version, it now has 20 principles (instead of 40 previously), with the title of the 4 "pilars" redefined :
- ethics, integrity, gender and open science (8 principles)
- evaluation, progression and recruitment of researchers (4 principles)
- working conditions and habits/practices (4 principles)
- careers in research and talent development (4 principles)
DatesCréé le 13 juin 2023